Volunteers from Abode, Malmaison, Manchester Arndale, Bruntwood and Jigsaw have taken part in a Piccadilly clean-up on Thursday 30th in partnership with CityCo and Manchester City Council.
The day was organised following feedback from our CityCo Street Cleaning Sub-Committee, chaired by David Allinson, Director of Manchester Arndale.
A selected area from the corner of Newton Street to the corner of Oldham Street has been jet washed and cleaned including bins and tree pits. Bollards have been painted, gum and graffiti removed, trees pruned and benches washed.
Alex King, Partnership Director at CityCo says: “We work constantly with our members and city stakeholders to identify the issues that have the biggest impact on their businesses and the arrival experience in to Manchester for visitors has proved a constant cause for concern. If this clean-up day galvanises people into thinking twice before dropping litter, it will be a real step forwards.”
Cllr Pat Karney, Manchester’s city centre spokesman, adds: “This shows businesses coming together to do their bit and is an excellent example of how we can all work together to tackle the issue of litter every day. Everyone from local businesses, to residents and visitors to Manchester should make a commitment to helping protect the local environment. We should be proud of our city and have a genuine desire to keep it clean.”
Anthony Powell, General Manager of ABode Manchester, comments: “We are joining together with our neighbours to make our corner of Manchester an area of which to be proud. As we look ahead to the opening of our brand new Brasserie ABode at the end of April, we’re looking forward to welcoming new and old friends to enjoy this corner of the city as much as we do.”
For media enquiries please contact Kat at Echo PR.