Brand Awareness

CityCo is committed to raising the profile and standing of Manchester as the leading business and visitor destination.

A key strand of our work for Manchester City Centre BID and Accommodation BID is delivering high-profile events in the city centre that attract footfall and positive press, and they offer plenty of promotional opportunities for members.

The calendar includes The Super Duper Family Festival, Manchester Flower Festival, Halloween in the City, SCENE: LGBTQ+ Film & TV Festival, and MCR Student Social– a shopping event in partnership with Manchester Arndale.


  • Invites to participate in, partner, sponsor and publicise BID events – benefitting from multi-channel PR and marketing activity
  • Events have delivered £25 million+ AVE (advertising value equivalent) of media exposure to benefit Manchester city centre, with features across national news, TV, radio, online and social.

Join Us

There are a range of CityCo membership packages that can be tailored depending on business needs and priority areas.

We offer flexible arrangements. To talk about a proposal that works for you, please email