Manchester City Centre BID Levy Rules: 2023-28

Subject to the rules that follow, those hereditaments (rateable commercial units) within the Manchester City Centre BID are subject to the levy and are limited to the following VOA Classifications:

  • Bank and Premises
  • Betting Shop and premises
  • Café and Premises
  • Café Bar and Premises
  • Car Park and premises
  • Food Court and Premises
  • Kiosk
  • Kiosk and Premises
  • Hairdressing salons and premises
  • Leisure Centre and Premises
  • Offices
  • Offices and Premises
  • Office, workshop, and premises
  • Public House and Premises
  • Restaurant and Premises
  • Shop and Premises
  • Wine bar and premises

Levy Rules 2023-28

  1. The levy rate to be paid by each hereditament is to be calculated as 1.7% of its rateable value. The levy will be charged in line with the NNDR system. The levy charged for the five-year period of the BID will be based on the rateable value as of 1st April 2023
  2. Thereafter, and throughout the duration of the BID Term, no further account will be taken of national rating revaluations
  3. The exception to the above is where a revised rateable value is applied because of any change of use or a physical change to a hereditament including, inter alia, new construction, merger, subdivision, extension, and refurbishment. In such circumstances, the revised rateable value will be used from the date of the change
  4. If a hereditament is shown in the ratings list for the first time, the rateable value shown in that list will be used for the remainder of the term from the date of entry. Hereditaments in Manchester Arndale without external frontages and all office premises (i.e., those within the classes ‘Offices, Offices and Premises, Offices, workshop, and premises’) will pay a levy rate of 1.5 % of their rateable value. Charitable organisations, which receive mandatory relief on their business rates, will have their levy reduced to 1% of rateable value. No other discounts or reductions shall apply
  5. Only properties or hereditaments with a rateable value of £40,000 or more will be eligible for payment of the BID levy. The maximum amount payable (the ‘cap’) in respect of any single hereditament will be £32,000 per annum
  6. After the full second year of operation, and annually for the remainder of the BID term, a flat rate increase of 2% per year will be applied to all levy rates, and to the cap. So, for example in year three the levy rates would be 1.72%, and 1.52% and the cap would be £32,640
  7. The number of properties or hereditaments liable for the levy has been calculated at approximately 600
  8. The ratepayer of untenanted hereditaments will be liable for payment of the levy.

Apart from as noted above (the annual inflationary increase to the BID levy due from Year 3 onwards), no elements of BID arrangements may be altered without an alteration ballot.

For any enquiries, please email