CityCo has a unique position at the intersection of business sectors, public agencies, delivery partners and operational suppliers. This means we are always in the loop and know who to talk to. We can help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest tactical and training knowledge.
CityCo, City Centre BID and Accommodation BID members and levy payers benefit from:
- ACT Awareness: (Action Counters Terrorism) awareness training in partnership with North West Counter Terrorism Unit, Greater Manchester Police, Manchester City Council Licensing
- Women’s Night-time Safety Charter: Welfare and vulnerability training in partnership with Manchester City Council
- Auditor Citizen Journalism: Information and training around ‘auditors’ and drone use in the city centre
- Urban Resilience: Bespoke ‘Tabletop’ training helping to prepare for common urban scenarios and city centre emergencies
- Homelessness Awareness: Training in partnership with Manchester Homelessness Partnership, Street Engagement Hub, Real Change Manchester and Manchester City Council
- Graffiti: Training to provide an insight into the emergence of graffiti, current Manchester perspective and case studies, best practice in removal and reporting
- Water Safety Awareness: Training in partnership with Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service, Royal Life Saving Society, Canal & River Trust, Manchester City Council
- Public Access Trauma Kits: Training in PacT Kit use with Steroplast Healthcare
- First Aid at Work: Training in partnership with First Aid for All.
For any enquiries, email