Women's Nighttime Safety Charter

The Manchester Women’s Nighttime Safety Charter is a Manchester City Council and CityCo initiative to help improve the safety for all women in the night-time economy.

The charter is specifically aimed at employers with a female workforce who are at work between 6pm and 6am.

It is intended to enable organisations to prioritise the safety of women, both workers and customers of Manchester’s thriving night-time economy.
The Charter Pledge

Appoint a Champion – Appointing a named contact for this work who will champion and drive forward any action taken
Communicate – Positive, public/staff-facing communications campaign, both online and in your space(s)
Support your staff – Create routes for reporting unacceptable behaviour while at work and supporting cultural change
Support the public – Create routes for reporting unacceptable behaviour while using your service or space at night
Training and responding – Staff training on the issue, including what to say and do, what not to say and do, and any relevant policies
Training: recording – Staff training on information-sharing and appropriate recording of details
Designing for safety – Audit your spaces and adapt them to promote a safer environment and reduce risk of crime.

Read more and Pledge your business support.
Welfare and Vulnerability Training
Join organisations who have pledged support. Training aims to increase the skills, knowledge and confidence of those working in the night-time economy around identifying vulnerability and making appropriate interventions. The training covers:

What is sexual abuse and harassment
Impact of sexual abuse
Myths and misconceptions about sexual abuse
How to respond to disclosures
Creating a safe space
Safeguarding responsibilities
Help and support that is available
Women’s Night-time Safety Charter – 7 pledges
Good Night Out Guide

The training is open to staff at all levels. Numbers are limited.

For enquiries, please email events@cityco.com

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