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Episode 21: Beer

This week we talk to Jonathan Heyes of Common, Port Street Beer and IndyManBeerCon and Marko Husak of Bundobust about the craft beer explosion, building an empire and whether a £5 pint is ever justified.


As part of CityCo’s ongoing work with the Water Safety Partnership, we are supporting this year’s #DontDrinkandDrown campaign with the Royal…

Episode 20: The Northern Quarter with Hayley Flynn

This week we talk to Hayley Flynn, tour guide and owner of the Skyliner blog about the history of the Northern Quarter, the art of selling monkeys, the importance of street art, how to make a place distinctive and what’s coming next.

Episode 19: Jonathan Schofield, Manchester Confidential

On this week’s CottonmouthMCR podcast we chat to Jonathan Schofield of Manchester Confidential about his recent article on how the city centre needs to improve. Arguing about litter, wayfinding and historical awareness. And agreeing vociferously about the need for human helpers.

2018-2023 Manchester BID Business Plan published

The new Business Plan for a second term of Manchester’s Business Improvement District was developed over a 12 month consultation, through a Shadow Board process, with priorities agreed by businesses across Manchester’s retail heart.

Episode 18: Rough Sleeping Series – Spice

Next in our new series on rough sleeping, we talk to Oliver Sutcliffe and Rob Ralphs from Manchester Met University about Spice; what is it, where does it come from, why has the problem become so prevalent, and what’s coming next.

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