Showing News

Financial Support for Businesses affected by Covid

There are a number of support grants available to support businesses that are being administered by Manchester City Council. NEW: Feb 2021 Expanded Discretionary Additional Restrictions Grant

Help Reshape Piccadilly

Changes are needed in Piccadilly so it can be a part of Manchester city centre’s continued success. This survey is an opportunity ​for you to help shape what the future looks like for the area.

Chinese New Year in Manchester

Our annual celebrations will be a little different this year due to obvious Covid event restrictions, however Manchester Business Improvement is still dressing the streets with our annual lanterns.

Christmas Business Support Grants

If you are a ‘wet pub’ and have already received a Local Restriction Support Grant, you don’t need to do another application to get an extra £1,000 announced this week by Government. Manchester City Council (MCC) will use the details from your original application to send a simple form to complete and return.

United City: Covid Support Lobbying

UnitedCity is an appeal to come together and join an initiative that will raise funds and expertise, in three ways: Independent research, Create, fund and execute campaigns, Support the most vunerable.

Covid Restrictions: Business Grants

Grants to support Manchester businesses during the November to December national lockdown and periods of local restrictions. Grants can be paidf or properties with a rateable value of £15k or under, with a rateable value of over £15k and below £51k, and for those with a rateable value of £51k or over.

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